
Welcome to our Laravel Easy Tutorials Site.

I'm Maniruzzaman Akash. I'm currently studying in a university of Bangladesh at Computer (Patuakhali Science & Technology University) at Computer Science & Engineering Faculty.

I love C,C++ and Java Programming most. Love to solve online programming problems like in URI online Judge, UVA online Judge end etc.

I've the knowledge in web development field after starting in this university at 2015. Now I'm an advanced web designer using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap-3,4, Javascript, Jquery, Ajax and some other API's. Also developing web with Codeigniter -3 and Laravel 5.5.

I'll publish my personal tutorials on Laravel. I'll add my projects here in Laravel so that people can user that code and make life more easier.

If you get any errors, problems in my tutorials or in project, put a message me in this email or comment there.

Email - manirujjamanakash@gmail.com
Facebook - fb.com/maniruzzaman.akash
Stack Overflow - https://stackoverflow.com/users/5543577/maniruzzaman-akash
Git Hub - https://github.com/ManiruzzamanAkash

About About Reviewed by Maniruzzaman Akash on October 11, 2017 Rating: 5

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